

Reliance Gear complies with a wide range of customer specifications and applicable industry standards and implements state-of-the-art testing. All measuring, test equipment and tooling is calibrated in-house by experienced personnel, as well as outsourced complete calibration services to a professional calibration house, according to regulatory standards and customer requirements.

Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM):
Brown & Sharpe 7-10-7, Software PC-DMIS

Gear Measuring Machine:
Hofler ZP – 350, Software Modus LK-90

Reliance Gear complies with a wide range of customer specifications and applicable industry standards and implements state-of-the-art testing. All measuring, test equipment and tooling is calibrated in-house by experienced personnel, as well as outsourced complete calibration services to a professional calibration house, according to regulatory standards and customer requirements.

Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM):
Brown & Sharpe 7-10-7, Software PC-DMIS

Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM):
Brown & Sharpe 7-10-7, Software PC-DMIS

In-house Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) To Standard SNT-TC-1A, ANSI/ASNT CP-105-216
Not NADCAP Certified

In-house Nital Etching capability
not NADCAP Certified